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Back to School


Back to School 2023

The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) continues its annual Back to School campaign. We want all students and parents to know about Virginia’s free health insurance through Medicaid and FAMIS.

The 2023 Back to School flyers are available to all public schools across the Commonwealth. Schools will decide the best way to distribute the flyers to parents and guardians. Schools may opt to share the flyers with students in person, via mail or digitally. We hope to see our educational partners post this information on social media, share the information with parent and education groups, and through the use of other electronic distribution methods.

2023 Back to school flyer

2023 Back to School flyer (NOW AVAILABLE)

[PDF]  English | Spanish | Arabic | Amharic | Urdu | Vietnamese | Double-sided | Order online


For parents and guardians

Even after the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency, we know that you and your family may still be facing many challenges. We want to make it easy to sign up for Medicaid and FAMIS no-cost health insurance. It’s more important than ever to know you and your children are covered!

You can find out who qualifies for coverage and learn about Medicaid and FAMIS benefits on the Cover Virginia Insurance for Children page. If you think you and/or your children may qualify, you can use the Eligibility Screening Tool and answer five easy questions. You can also apply any time at Apply.

Help spread the word about Medicaid and FAMIS. Tell your neighbors, friends, and family about all the great services Virginia Medicaid covers. These include well checkups, doctor visits, mental health care, vaccinations, vision and dental care, prescriptions, and more.

It is important the entire family is covered! Since January 2019, we’ve provided low to no-cost health insurance for adults. Find out if you qualify. Use the Eligibility Screening Tool. Then apply.

For questions, additional help, or language assistance services or large-print, Medicaid and FAMIS current and potential members are encouraged to call Cover Virginia at 833-5CALLVA (TDD: 1-888-221-1590) or send an email to:


Resources for schools

This year, we’re asking schools to give the flyers to students and their families in several ways through the end of the calendar year.

Printed flyers will be made available to schools for students returning at the start of the school year. For those who will be meeting with students virtually, you are encouraged to use the electronic pdf of the flyer. Schools are welcome to order more flyers at no charge on the Materials page or email for assistance.

Last year we developed and made available additional messaging materials for schools to make it easier than ever to let students and parents know about health coverage. You will find the Back to School flyer pdf (available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Urdu, and Vietnamese), social media posts, graphics, scripts for automated calling systems and more!

If you find there is something missing to help you further reach current and potential Virginia Medicaid students and you would like for Virginia Medicaid to consider providing it, please send your idea to our community outreach and member engagement team at


We would like your help!

Please share the news about this important effort with the McKinney-Vento homeless liaison, school nurse, nutrition program supervisors, enrollment coordinators, social workers, and your Medicaid coordinator.

Medicaid outreach is a claimable activity for school divisions in the Medicaid and Schools billing program. Your school division can get reimbursed.

Please use one or all of these ways to engage:

  • Place a link to on school websites
  • Distribute flyers through Virtual Learning Packets
  • Distribute flyers through new students’ enrollment packets
  • Distribute flyers during in-person or virtual PTA meetings and other school events
  • Distribute flyers through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaison
  • Distribute flyers online and through email correspondence to parents
  • Add the FAMIS widget to your school’s website
  • Distribute an automated calling message (i.e. Robo Call)
  • Distribute via SMS or social media platforms

Pull information from the Back To School webpage on the Cover Virginia website to distribute via online and through digital correspondence to parents and guardians.



The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) partners with The Virginia Health Care Foundation to offer SignUpNow (SUN) training workshops. They are open to school personnel, community-based organizations, and individuals dedicated to helping eligible families enroll in and benefit from Virginia’s health coverage programs. To learn more and to sign up, go to SignUpNow.


Need help?

If you have questions about the Back To School Campaign or want help with community outreach and engagement, contact us at

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